jeudi 5 janvier 2012

llamas' Valley

If you try to find some inspiration you would like to read a new e-mag, with brands, products, artists and places you have never heard of before. So let me introduce you to Llamas' Valley, a Lithuanian e-mag that just published their first English edition! Below are some of my favorite pics, but do check it out by yourself because there is so much more to see and read... 

Si vous cherchez quelque inspiration aujourd'hui vous allez aimer ce nouvel e-mag, avec des marques, des produits et des endroit dont vous n'avez peut être jamais entendu parlé auparavant... Alors laissez moi vous présenter Llamas's Valley, un e-mag Lithuanien qui publie sa première édition en anglais!!!! En dessous vous pourrez vois quelques unes des photos que j'ai sélectionnées, mais faite vous votre propre opinion en y jetant un oeil... y a plein de choses à voir et à lire..

The loft of Midda Cergelite, a Lithuanian fashion designer living in London

I had a crush too for that girl Nerrita Jociuté, lithuanian fashion and interior designer

i loved the Lithuanian art too and the arrangement some designers use to do...

or also the fantastic studio of two graphic designers and some yummy details....

Thanks a lot to Alge Ramanauskiene the editor that sent me some pics and allow me to speak about her new e-mag.... Keep in touch Alge!!!!

Have a look guys... Llamas' Valley

3 commentaires:

  1. sweet!

    hope you are well and happy, dear!

    best wishes
    open house blog, Norway

  2. You are incredible!
    Happy New Year to both you!

  3. Thanks girls!!! and HNY to u too... ;)
