
jeudi 6 janvier 2011

DIY Marie-Claire Idées

Marie-Claire Idées is a french magazine with truly crafty and gorgeous things to realise by yourself for home, decoration, or clothes...They have now their own website, a branch of the famous Marie-Claire Maison. Check it's really inspiring!!!!! Let's being crafty guys!!!!!

Marie-Claire Idées vient de mettre en ligne son propre site... un site bien sympa qui fourmille d'idees de déco, de récup, tricot, vintage etc... Pas si mal, pour rivaliser avec tous les magasines américains, anglais ou scandinaves de "do it yourself" (à faire soi-même). Les plaids et autres portes-manteaux sont juste tres beaux...rien à envier aux grandes marques. Alors à vos outils!!!!!

2 commentaires:

  1. Thank you for droppin' by the "Junkin' Yaya"! LOVE your blog....and I do believe that the pic wood clothes rack in what appears to be a dressing room of some sort is FANTASTIC!!!! Thanks for sharing...xo..deb

  2. i have a few issues (no more than three) of Marie Claire idées, and and they are very inspiring! good to know they have a place on-line!
