
jeudi 28 avril 2011

Fluo touch

i am crazy about fluo...and because summer is on its way, it's time to lighten our life !!! Enjoy guys!!!!

reanim chair by 5.5 designers

table covered by plexi blog-espritdesign

paper planes hanged on wall - mumisgeek

6 commentaires:

  1. Ahhh des années que je connais le projet Réanim des 5.5 et il me plait toujours autant ! :)

  2. Such an inspirational post!!! I felt a bit tired here, but feel much better after reading your blog....My mood is always rising, after a visit here...Love ya sis!!

    Take care & warm hugs!!!

  3. j'adore 5.5 ,
    suis au lavandou
    bonne soirée biz so *

  4. Oh - those chairs and that fan! :-)

  5. J'adore (bon je me répète...) mais la table rose en plexi et le fauteuil sont top canon !
    Biz Jess
