
vendredi 3 juin 2011

Joel & McKenzie's salvaged Live/Work loft

it's about a live/work loft in Providence, that evokes a farmhouse with furnishing inherited, thrifted and handmade. The openness allows for a blending of work, living and play spaces. It's a perfect arrangement for a growing family!!!! No word for the bricks walls...i will die for them!!!

On parle ce soir d'un sacré loft à Providence, où les propriétaires y vivent et travaillent. Ca ressemble à une ferme meublée d'objets hérités, recyclés ou faits main. Le généreux volume permet de mélange d'espaces de travail, de vie et de jeux. L'aménagement y est parfaitement en adéquation avec une famille qui va s'agrandir!!! Les murs de briques sont juste une tuerie!!!!

i specially love the bicycles hanged on the ceiling....

...the old writing machine

..the salvaged chairs

the industrial furniture

this fantastic sink with manometers...

the cutest handmade mobile...

and the british!!!!

6 commentaires:

  1. OMG I totally love this space, at the moment I am lucking space in my house, wish i would live there and have a huge studio to work. Love the mix and match furniture, personal touches and brick walls.

  2. Love the brick walls here. A really special place....I am also worried about Ingrid....I will send her a mail tomorrow, and hopefully she will answer...Hope she is okey. Have thought about her a lot and how she's doing....strange that she did not do any blogging. Hugs from me

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog and nice words ;)

    Love your blog - it's so inspiring, I'll be visiting you often !

  4. J'avais vu ces photos il y a quelques temps sur un autre blog et c'est clair que c'est superbe ! J'adore les vieux meubles et surtout le meuble à tiroirs !
    J'aime beaucoup ce genre de volumes, mon rêve en fait ...

  5. I got drunk and played 4-square in this loft back in the late 90's-early 2000's. I remember the toilet having manometers on it as well so when you flushed they would go crazy.
