
samedi 28 avril 2012

japanese boros

J'adore les boros japonais...

A "boro" is a futon cover. Rag rugs are another way of recycling textiles.

un "boro" au Japon est une couverture pour futon et sont faits de tissus recyclés dans des tons indigo...

The repeatedly mended indigo-dyed futon covers and garments used and worn by farmers and fishermen in Pre-World War II Japan are far more complex than mere patchwork. These boro (translated as rags) contain in their layers of shima, kasuri, hemp thread and other recycled materials, a vernacular history of survival and creative ingenuity. 

I gonna try to make one with my old denims and other fabrics!!!!
Je vais essayer d'en faire un avec tous mes vieux jeans et autres tissus...

all pics via srithreads

Bon samedi les friends!!!!

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