
jeudi 18 avril 2013

today i loved two stuff

this beautiful hallway with paper ball lights... so nice !!!
in the Aurelie Lecuyer's house... 

more pictures here

and i loved that NOW Merci, our famous french concept store in Paris, has its online shop !!!! 
---------> MERCI

it makes my day!!!!! 

6 commentaires:

  1. La maison d'Aurélie : on ne s'en lasse pas.
    Merci : ...ben... on ne s'en lasse pas non plus !
    Good choices ;)

  2. so lovely! and so simple to make!

  3. online shop merci??? oooooh noooooooooooooooon... un nouveau lieu de perdition!!

  4. I love, I love and I love !!!
    I'm a french girl with a french blog...
    I just discover your beautiful website and I like it, all this beautiful photos and ideas... Are you ok if I prepare an article about you and your blog with any photos ?
    Thanks ! Bye, Anne

  5. Merciiiiiii pour Merci. ;)
    Depuis le temps que j'attendais qu'ils aient leur e-shop!!!

    Bon week-end!
