
jeudi 5 septembre 2013

at home with Muriel Bardinet

interior designer and owner of the antique shop Dune 234 in Brussels, Muriel invites us in her sweet and bucolic flat .full of charm the home must tell us a story and the objects and furniture be able to chat together, she said. a really nice definition of the life style i am agree with!!!!

Intérieur designer et créatrice du magasin d'antiquités Dune 234 à Bruxelles, Muriel Bardinet nous invite dans son paisible et bucolique appartement. Plein de charme, un intérieur doit nous raconter son histoire, les objets et meubles doivent pouvoir dialoguer, explique-t-elle.
Une belle définition de l'art de vivre avec laquelle je suis en totale adéquation!!!!

2 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful blog. These images are so inspiring. After the school holidays I'm feeling fresh inspiration and want to redecorate my whole home! My sister has just moved to France and when visiting her this summer I had a chance to visit some of the wonderful brocante places I'd never been to before in my life!

    1. cool!!! nice to read you and thanks for stopping by!!!!
