vendredi 13 mai 2011


Hello guys!!!
Because of the blogger's problem, i lost my "shelve" post of yesterday.... and your cute comments too!!!
So i will put again today the shelves i like so much...
At the same time i want to thank my friend wabi sabi because she spoke about me today and about my lost post!!! it's here...thanks honey!!!!!

i love those kind of shelve that we can realize by ourselves with re-used materials.

wine boxes


old plank


wood and rope

half crates

cardboard rolls


half tables and consoles

and one more for the road....if you have any boyfriends around!!!!!

1 commentaire:

  1. ahahaha!
    je vois qu'on a toutes galeré aujourd'hui!
    joli post
    à bientôt
    bonne soirée,biz
    * **
